MSME Loan Schemes from SIDBI

SIDBI or Small Industries Development Bank of India, works for the growth and development of entrepreneurship and industries in India. The organization has been actively involved in managing various esteemed government projects, demonstrating its commitment and enthusiasm.

One of the notable schemes managed by SIDBI is the PM SVANidhi Scheme, which aims to support and uplift the livelihoods of street vendors. This scheme provides financial assistance, access to credit, and other resources to street vendors, enabling them to improve their businesses and contribute to the economy.

SIDBI is also involved in initiatives to enhance infrastructure in the Animal Husbandry sector through the AHIDF Scheme. This scheme focuses on providing financial support by way of interest subvention for the development of infrastructure, such as cattle feed plants, milk processing units, and veterinary hospitals, among others. By bolstering the animal husbandry sector, SIDBI contributes to the overall growth of rural economies and employment opportunities.

In line with supporting the national livestock, SIDBI actively participates in the National Livestock Mission. This mission aims to enhance livestock productivity, improve animal health and welfare, and promote sustainable practices in livestock farming. SIDBI’s involvement in this mission ensures the availability of financial resources and guidance to the stakeholders involved in livestock development.

Launched in 2015, SMILE is governed by the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). The aim of this scheme is to provide soft loans, meet the required debt-equity ratio for the establishment of new MSMEs, and also to enable the growth of existing ones. Below mentioned are the MSME loan schemes offered under SIDBI

  1. General Purpose Term Loan
  2. Secured Business Loans for MSMEs
  3. SIDBI and Google Partnership for Assistance to Micro Enterprises (SANGAM)
  4. SIDBI’S Term Loan to enhance the production of MSMEs (STEP) Scheme
  5. SIDBI Assistance to Export Oriented MSMEs under UBHARTE SITAARE PROGRAMME
  6. SIDBI Thematic Assistance for Purchase of Capital Assets in New Enterprises (STHAPAN)
  7. Assistance to Re-Energize Capital Investments by SMEs (ARISE)
  8. SIDBI Term-Loan assistance for Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Plants (STAR)
  9. SIDBI – Loan for Purchase of Equipment for Enterprise’s Development Plus (SPEED PLUS)
  10. SIDBI – Loan for Purchase of Equipment for Enterprise’s Development (SPEED)
  11. Working Capital (Cash Credit)
  12. TOP Up Loan for Immediate Purposes (TULIP)